You should maintain good dental hygiene if you want your implants to last long. Keep in mind that it's very important that you clean your toothbrush every day after using it. Make sure that you clean it in a circular motion to avoid any damages on your toothbrush. In addition, floss your teeth regularly to avoid buildup of plaque and tartar on your teeth.
Dental implant failure often occurs due to improper quality bone used for the implant. The quality of the bone greatly influences how well it works. Improper implant quality results to poor functioning. Some people even experience bone death, which means that the bone basically dies. Some people are having problems due to low quality bone because the bone surrounding their teeth is not strong enough. So if you have a missing or weak bone in your jaw, it can definitely affect your dental implants.
Sometimes the implants fail to become installed properly because the material used for the implant is not strong enough. Some materials can easily break and cause the implant to malfunction. In order to avoid such failures, you need to select durable and strong materials for the implant. However, there are cases when cheap materials are used which result to failure of the implants. For instance, a mixture of silicon and titanium or other materials which are not strong enough to support the implant can also cause this kind of failure.
Another reason why dental implants fail to function well is because of improper procedure and poor performance of the dental surgeon. Dental implant dentistry can be quite complicated. The performance of a certain dental procedure can highly influence the success rate of the procedure. You need to choose a qualified and skilled dental surgeon for the task. If he is not experienced, then the entire procedure may fail.
Lastly, improper maintenance of the implants can also lead to failure. Improper cleaning or lack of cleaning can lead to build up of bacteria on the implant. These bacteria may eventually trigger tooth decay and cause dental implants to fail. So, in order to maintain the efficiency and performance of implants, you need to take proper care of your teeth and gums. Moreover, you also need to find a good dentist who can perform your dental implants successfully.
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