Who uses Dental Implants? Millions of Americans use dental implants to address their oral hygiene needs. Dental Implants have gained popularity among seniors who suffer from tooth loss and gingivitis, as they help delay the onset of tooth loss. In addition, Dental Implants help postpone the development of jaw bone loss associated with old age.
Are Dental Implants Costly? The cost of dental implants depends on a number of factors. Factors such as the implant size, implant material, implant function, patient age and lifestyle are all taken into consideration before prescribing the exact cost. However, the major benefit of Implants is that they easily last up to 20 years and they do not require any maintenance. For this reason, they prove to be a cost effective solution for tooth restorations and bridges.
How long do Dental Implants Last? Dental Implants have an unlimited life span, and they work well for as long as you need them. Unlike tooth replacement techniques, they provide a permanent solution to missing one or more teeth. So if you need one tooth replaced and you have two implants, you will still have two teeth to smile with - there is no difference!
How Does Dental Implants Work? The main purpose of dental implants is to bridge or replace a damaged or broken tooth. They function on the same principles as tooth replacement - they stimulate nearby healthy tissues and bone to restore strength and stability to an entire arch. Once the implant has been stimulated it stays in place, even during chewing. So you do not have to worry about replacing the entire arch when one of your teeth becomes cracked or chipped away - the implants can take over and cover the gap.
Dental Implants can give you back your original smile. But it does require a bit of time and patience. Once you know the answers to who dental implants are and what to expect during your initial consultation, you will be able to address the question and help yourself from future complications.
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