The other two gave me a stack of other reasons as to why they needed my dental x rays. The truth is that it is not for me to decide what is not necessary. My dentist has given me a list of items that are not necessary and will prevent me from needing them in the future. That is his prerogative.
However, I do feel that I should inform you that I have had one of these items on more than one occasion. The dental technician that worked in the office before me has always given me a copy of the same information sheet that I received in the brochure. I was surprised when the very next day I went to the same place to get a cleaning that the manager said they no longer provided that information. Apparently they are no longer required by law to provide this information. I was quite alarmed when I read that because I didn't realize that I could be a patient.
The best way to stay protected is to make sure your health is protected. Who does this insurance cover? Well, if you have ever had a claim made against your provider then you may be able to get some of that money back. Most plans offer their customers the opportunity to dispute any claim made against them and get that money back. Unfortunately if you find out that the person who claimed you had a previous dental issue then the insurance plan will probably pay for that.
There are several ways that a person can obtain this information. If you have an active membership at a dentist office, you are more than likely to be able to access the "who owns my dental x rays?" information online. Many offices offer online access to their member's only pages.
If you are not a member at a specific dentist office but would still like to see who does their teeth work then you can also request this information. Often times dental offices have a policy on who can access this information. They may require a medical related insurance or perhaps even a co-pay. Make sure to ask the dentist about this policy before visiting them in order to avoid any nasty surprises.
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