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When Dental Implants Fail

When dental implants fail: implant failure or rejection? Implant rejection refers to a defensive reaction by the body against something it considers a foreign object (self): in this case, a dental implant. Dental implants made of metal are usually considered relatively safe because they are, indeed, made of metal. Unfortunately, sometimes foreign materials can get lodged in places where the natural tooth root cannot reach. This often results in the gums becoming irritated and inflamed. Patients with implants who do not follow good oral hygiene practices may suffer from "thrush" - an infection caused by bacteria traveling up the gum line, causing a red rash that increases pus and pain.

Sometimes, however, implants can cause damage to surrounding tissue. The most common instance is when a titanium screw holding the implant comes loose, allowing it to poke through the bone and into the surrounding tissue. There is also the risk of the titanium coming off within the mouth. If it comes out, the patient may be prone to bleeding because the wound will be close to the blood supply. This is why it is so important that dental implants are placed by a qualified and experienced professional who has had plenty of training and experience in dental implant placement. With proper care and attention, there is a good chance that the patient will avoid having any of these complications and will recover completely.

When dental implants experience problems, both in terms of failure and infection, they are usually fixed by the use of surgical steel screws called transaxillary anchors. In most cases, when the titanium has come loose, the anchor has either broken off completely or is too weak to hold the tissue in place. In both situations, the tissue will have to be surgically removed and replaced with another implant.

While oral hygiene is important in all areas of life, it is especially important when considering dental implants. With oral hygiene, we attempt to prevent infection from occurring. With implants, we attempt to prevent the development of any bacteria or other disease that can grow in the gums surrounding the implant. Failure to take proper care of your teeth, therefore, can lead to serious problems, including the development of peri-implantitis.

Peri-implantitis is a very mild form of infection, but it is serious enough to require medical treatment. When dental implants become damaged as a result of an anchor fracture, for instance, the dentist will likely recommend that you schedule an appointment with your local dentistry to discuss the situation. At this time, the dentist will check for signs of severe inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the tooth implants. He will also look for any signs of tooth decay. At this point, your dentist will likely suggest that you contact a periodontist or cosmetic dentist, both of whom may be able to prescribe medications that will help to prevent the development of a more serious form of infection.

Once the dental implants have been installed and the bone density has been restored, you may begin to notice some differences in your appearance. Your smile may not look as pleasing as it once did. While your teeth may appear to be functioning properly, restorative dentists use dental implants to correct problems with bone density. Proper bone density is necessary for healthy chewing, teeth alignment and even healthy teeth.


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