If you are considering replacing your teeth with artificial ones because of some major accident that required root replacement surgery, then the best choice might be to get dental implants. Whether you get dental implants because you were seriously injured in an accident or because your natural teeth just aren't as attractive as someone who had cosmetic dental surgery, you'll find that replacing your tooth roots with artificial ones is a lot easier on your jaw and on your wallet than most people realize. Not only will replacing your tooth roots with a crown save you money because you won't have to pay for dentures, but also it can help you avoid problems with your gum and gums later on. Gum disease can be very serious and painful, especially in the case of people who don't get dental implants.
If you replace your tooth roots with dental implants instead, you can usually get those teeth back in less than six months. If you need all of your teeth replaced, though, you can probably get those replaced in about nine months. To get dental implants cost estimates for your specific situation, talk to your dentist at the time of your visit. You might also find that you can negotiate a lower price on your implants when you first start seeing the dentist to discuss the procedure.
Another way to replace teeth with dental implants is through something called osseointegration. This process involves the replacement of the tooth surface with a prosthetic tooth. It's done with screws and can take less than six months to accomplish, depending on how quickly the body reabsorbs the bone that was taken out. As a result, this is often an option for people who need partial or full dental implants but don't want to go through the trouble or expense of having their bone restored. However, this process is more expensive and can't be used for tooth loss in adults.
Your other option for tooth extraction is through a surgical procedure. There are several different types of surgical procedures you can go through, including some that require general anesthesia or even surgery. Some of these procedures will allow for a local anesthetic, meaning you won't feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Others will use general anesthesia, which means you will feel no pain or discomfort, but you may have to remain sedated during the whole procedure. These kinds of dental implants are more expensive and aren't covered by most insurance policies.
In order to get the best results from dental implant surgery, it's important to talk to your dentist. He or she knows your personal history and can guide you in the right direction. If you're considering having dental implants done, you should discuss the procedure with your dentist first. You should also research the procedure and see if it's right for you. Remember, you need to be a good candidate for the implant before you even consider going ahead with it.
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