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Dental Implants Hurt?

Dental implants can be an integral part of your mouth's health and oral hygiene regimen. Dental implants can include more than one surgery, and thorough review prior to each surgery is necessary. These procedures involve:

Comprehensive dental exam. This will involve a CT scan of your complete mouth, taking x-rays of each tooth and surrounding areas, and creating 3D models of your teeth and jaws to the orthodontist. In addition, the doctor will review your medical conditions, medications, allergies, medical history, and treatment plan with you.

Implant fitting. The orthodontist will fit a titanium post into the jawbone to support the new tooth. Then he or she will place the crown and other remaining parts of the dental implants over the bone density. It's important to note that tooth loss is not part of this procedure, but rather is the indirect result of bone loss from other complications like chewing tobacco or poor bite mechanics. Implant placement and the way it is done is called a "time-to-time" procedure.

Implant Surgery. The process of placing and securing the crown and other parts of the implants is called implant surgery. The candidate is a good candidate if he or she has healthy gums and enough bone to support it. Healthy bone density is necessary to ensure that the implant doesn't shift or move while in the mouth, which may cause pain.

Tooth Enlargement. Another part of dental implant procedure is the process of stimulating bone growth at the implant site. Sometimes this can occur without local anesthesia, but it is usually performed using general anesthesia. The main purpose of this portion of the procedure is to enlarge the tooth, so that the surrounding teeth do not become overcrowded. This is also used to alleviate discomfort at the implant site.

Follow-up Care. Patients who have undergone the abovementioned procedures are encouraged to receive follow-up care from their dentists. The dentist will be able to evaluate the health of your jawbone, gums, lips, palate, and tongue. A good dentist will take an X-ray of your mouth to look for signs of infection, which could indicate problems with the nerves or the implant site. If there is infection, your dentist will prescribe antibiotics for treating it.

There is another popular myth about dental implants that has been around for a very long time. Many dentists will tell you that they cannot be replaced because of the pain experienced during the implant process. In reality, this myth is false. There are many cosmetic dentists who will allow patients to switch out teeth so that the jawbone is not damaged. With a good surgeon, the amount of pain you experience will be substantially less than with other dentists.

If you have a gum infection, you may experience a toothache and some level of discomfort after the procedure is completed. You will need to take antiseptic after the treatment to help relieve any infection you may have. This is common with any type of dental procedure. Also, if you chew tobacco before having your procedure, you may experience some level of discomfort. This is most likely due to the dentist inserting the wire into your mouth. Following your dentist's advice will help alleviate dental implant pain.


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