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How Will Dental Implants Interrupt an MRI?

If you have been looking into getting dental implants, you have probably asked yourself "Will Dental Implants Interrupts an MRI?". For those of you that do not know, an MRI is a specialized high-tech magnetic resonance imaging machine that allows dentists to see inside the mouth. An MRI is often used in emergency rooms to determine the extent of facial injuries and to locate broken or misaligned teeth. For the most part, an MRI is a safe procedure for patients, as long as precautions are taken to prevent harmful radiation from damaging the tissue inside the mouth.

One of the possible ways that Dental Implants Interrupts an MRI is if the titanium rod or screw that holds the tooth in place actually ends up touching the magnetic field. Since the mri is created specifically to detect any flaws or structural imbalances in the oral cavity, if this happens there are some problems. First, the dentist has to take out the damaged tooth and clean it, and then he places the titanium rod in the mouth with the intention of restoring the tooth. Unfortunately, since the rod is embedded with the titanium piece, it can't simply be moved around by hand to allow it to contact the magnetic field. Instead, the patient may need to get surgery to physically move the titanium rod so that it can rest securely in the mouth.

Another potential way that Dental Implants Interrupt an MRI is if the rod or screw ends up penetrating the oral cavity in such a way that it damages the sensitive nerves located in the gums and the inner layers of the teeth. This is called a herniation. In extreme cases, the radiation from the MRI can damage the soft tissue that surrounds the tooth, which makes eating and chewing painful.

So what can you do to avoid having Dental Implants Interrupt an MRI? First, you should only get this procedure done if you are absolutely certain that you want both of your teeth replaced, because you will not be able to bear living with one tooth or the other for any amount of time. Second, you should choose a qualified dentist to perform the procedure. Ask at the local hospital where you received your last surgery how many dental implants they use in conjunction with their procedure so that you can be sure that you will not have to do the procedure on your own. You also need to make sure that your dentist has performed the procedure before you plan on getting one of your teeth replaced.

When you take care of your oral cavity, you will be able to avoid having Dental Implants Interrupt an MRI, but you should also ensure that you follow a few guidelines after you get one of your teeth replaced. First, you will have to brush your teeth regularly - twice daily - for the first six months after the surgery. If you skip a single brushing, the plaque buildup could create enough pressure to interfere with an MRI imaging process, so you should make sure that you brush your teeth as soon as you can, and you should follow the direction of your dentist's instruction for the optimal brushing techniques. In addition, you will need to floss your teeth at least two times each day, and you will need to chew your food properly in order to keep your gums healthy and infection-free.

You should ask your dentist whether or not you should stop taking your pain medications, aspirin, and other types of prescription drugs before you have your Dental Implants Interrupt an MRI, and you will have to be honest with your dentist about this. These medications, and many others, can thin out the blood, and this can lead to an obstruction in the root canal process. Additionally, you will need to inform your dentist about any oral cancer that you currently have, and you will not be able to undergo the procedure until all of your concerns are fully resolved. While the MRI procedure can sometimes be successful, it is often a delicate procedure, and you will definitely need to follow the instructions of your dentist in order to avoid having Implants Interrupt an MRI.


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